Isidore PLLC, “The Isidore Law Group”, is an intellectual property law firm located in Austin, TX, serving clients throughout the continental USA. The Firm is committed to providing quality service to its diverse client base. The Firm includes a team of highly skilled IP professionals, with decades of experience preparing and prosecuting patent applications covering a wide range of technology. The Firm’s founder and manager, Mr. Eustace Isidore, has written and/or prosecuted over 1,500 patent applications during his 25 years of patent preparation and prosecution experience, successfully securing patent rights for over a thousand inventions.
Ranked in the Top 1% of Patent Prosecution IP Law Firms in the US
Isidore PLLC has been ranked as a top 50 best performing patent prosecution IP law firms in the United States, based on a third-party survey of 5000 US law firms that provide patent prosecution services. This ranking places Isidore PLLC in the TOP 1% of patent prosecution firms in the United States. The survey was conducted by Patexia, a third-party company with no affiliation to the Firm. Patexia evaluated a wide range of metrics related to patent application filings and prosecution, using data taken directly from the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) over a 5-year period for each of the 5000 firms reviewed.

The Firm has a team of diverse professionals, each of whom has engineering degrees and many years of experience in the IP field. The IP professionals within the Isidore Law Group possess a wealth of knowledge gained from decades of experience in patent preparation and prosecution, covering numerous technology areas. The practitioners have extensive experience drafting and prosecuting patents in the computer technology space, including data centers, server hardware design, personal computer hardware and software. They also have extensive experience in the wireless communication and devices technology space, including wireless/mobile devices hardware, firmware, and applications, wireless networks (e.g., LTE, 4G and 5G infrastructure, protocols, and software).